keywords:Wen Chang Junior High School

file mgmtTaoyuan Education Bureau Wen Chang Junior High School English Teaching Resource Center

Taoyuan City English Teaching Resource Center is set up in Wenchang Middle School. It is responsible for the promotion of bilingual teaching of English courses and courses in some fields and the integration of related resources

site search:

file mgmt:Taoyuan English Teaching Resource Center-Wen Chang Junior High School

sort:桃園市雙語學校 / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(546)

sort:Shared Resources / folder with(3)Ul files / dl times(89)

file folder:外師合聘契約書

sort:TFETP / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(67)
[111 Years Archive]-外師合聘契約書

sort:Taoyuan City Bilingual Schools Program / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(60)

sort:Taoyuan City Suggestions for English Curriculum Implementation / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(52)
[111 Years Archive]-桃園市國中語文領域英語文課程實施建議

sort:Students Speaking Enhancement and Diversity Cultivation Program / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(49)

sort:Teaching Plan Contest / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(46)

sort:Shared Resources / folder with(2)Ul files / dl times(45)

sort:Taoyuan FET Program / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(39)
[111 Years Archive]-111桃園市聘外師契約

sort:K-12 English Teaching Resource Center subsidy program / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(37)
[111 Years Archive]-111英資中心計畫書(1110621送局版)

sort:Teaching Plan Contest / folder with(10)Ul files / dl times(31)

sort:Laws _ Regulations / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(29)

sort:Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program, TFETP / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(24)

sort:MOE Implementation Project of Bilingual Instruction / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(24)

sort:Shared Resources / folder with(5)Ul files / dl times(22)

sort:Students Speaking Enhancement and Diversity Cultivation Program / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(18)
[111 Years Archive]-桃園市111學年度國中學生口說英語多元展能計畫暨111年度國中英語學習成效獎勵計畫之成果資料Google表單連結:

sort:Shared Resources / folder with(2)Ul files / dl times(15)

sort:Cool English Basic / Advanced Courses / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(14)

sort:Read the World / folder with(3)Ul files / dl times(13)
[111 Years Archive]-”閱讀世界樂桃桃ReadTheWorld”Podcast頻道開播囉!活動專屬網站:我們每週帶領同學聆聽聯合國SDGs讀書俱樂部推薦的書單​,一起探索閱讀的樂趣。W

file folder:國中小課室英語

sort:Shared Resources / folder with(4)Ul files / dl times(11)