Open upper block file mgmt:Taoyuan English Teaching Resource Center-English resources Toggle navigation select author Neil hsu文昌國中ERC2021 popular archives Top Dl Archives popular archives search Select file sort English Teaching Resource Center various plansEnglish Teaching ArchivesBilingual Seed Teachers Training ProgramsForeign Teacher Profileseed teacherTeacher Professional DevelopmentReader Theater CompetitionShared Resources外師任意門Podcast夏令營/冬令營專家人才庫 Select archive item 112 Years Archive113年檔案111 Years Archive110 Years Archive send out English Teaching Resource Center various plans Our 3-School-Year Bilingual Education Plan K-12 English Teaching Resource Center subsidy program Taoyuan City Bilingual Schools Program MOE Implementation Project of Bilingual Instruction Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program, TFETP English Language Teaching Assistant Program, ELTA Students Speaking Enhancement and Diversity Cultivation Program En Learning plan for nat'l primary & secondary students English Teaching Archives TETE Teaching Plans Previous English Teaching Plans Worksheets for Reading Taoyuan City Suggestions for English Curriculum Implementation Theme-based Textbooks-SDGs Bilingual Seed Teachers Training Programs Foreign Teacher Profile Taoyuan FET Program TFETP In-service training Teaching Plan Contest Teaching Resources for Foreign Teachers Laws _ Regulations seed teacher Our TETE Seed Teachers Our Bilingual Teaching Seed Teachers Teacher Professional Development EMI Seed Teacher Seeded Local Bilingual Teacher Local / Foreign Teacher Training Cool English Basic / Advanced Courses Bilingual Traning Courses Reader Theater Competition Shared Resources 外師任意門Podcast 夏令營/冬令營 專家人才庫 Folder list archive items:111 Years Archive Display method:sort by downloads Total: available (26) count file folder:雙語課程亮點計畫優良範例 sort:Shared Resources / folder with(3)Ul files / dl times(93) [111 Years Archive]- upd time:2022-12-29 15:33author:ERC2021count:5904 file folder:外師合聘契約書 sort:TFETP / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(77) [111 Years Archive]-外師合聘契約書 upd time:2022-10-18 21:59author:Neil hsucount:2765 file folder:111國中雙語課程亮點學校計畫 sort:Taoyuan City Bilingual Schools Program / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(60) [111 Years Archive]- upd time:2022-11-29 13:46author:ERC2021count:2281 file folder:桃園市國中語文領域英語文課程實施建議 sort:Taoyuan City Suggestions for English Curriculum Implementation / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(56) [111 Years Archive]-桃園市國中語文領域英語文課程實施建議 upd time:2022-10-18 22:20author:Neil hsucount:1450 file folder:111學年度口說展能子三計畫和成果報告 sort:Students Speaking Enhancement and Diversity Cultivation Program / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(55) [111 Years Archive]- upd time:2023-01-04 14:42author:ERC2021count:1813 file folder:外師得獎教案比賽-青埔國中John sort:Teaching Plan Contest / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(54) [111 Years Archive]- upd time:2022-12-02 14:44author:ERC2021count:1443 file folder:國中小英語課採全英語授課參考手冊 sort:Shared Resources / folder with(2)Ul files / dl times(50) [111 Years Archive]- upd time:2022-12-29 15:31author:ERC2021count:3373 file folder:111桃園市聘外師契約 sort:Taoyuan FET Program / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(41) [111 Years Archive]-111桃園市聘外師契約 upd time:2022-10-18 21:55author:Neil hsucount:1786 file folder:外師得獎教案比賽-建國國中Cody sort:Teaching Plan Contest / folder with(10)Ul files / dl times(41) [111 Years Archive]- upd time:2022-12-02 11:13author:ERC2021count:1761 file folder:111英資中心計畫書(1110621送局版) sort:K-12 English Teaching Resource Center subsidy program / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(37) [111 Years Archive]-111英資中心計畫書(1110621送局版) upd time:2022-10-18 20:00author:Neil hsucount:1191 file folder:111學年度國教署前瞻外師國中學校名單 sort:Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program, TFETP / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(25) [111 Years Archive]- upd time:2023-03-10 14:36author:ERC2021count:1825 file folder:111學年度桃園市部分領域課程雙語教學實施計畫學校名單 sort:MOE Implementation Project of Bilingual Instruction / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(25) [111 Years Archive]- upd time:2023-03-10 14:38author:ERC2021count:1811 file folder:111學年度桃園市英語日系列活動計畫 sort:Shared Resources / folder with(5)Ul files / dl times(23) [111 Years Archive]- upd time:2023-01-17 13:47author:ERC2021count:4849 file folder:桃園市111學年度國中學生口說英語多元展能計畫暨111年度國中英語學習成效獎勵計畫之成果資料 sort:Students Speaking Enhancement and Diversity Cultivation Program / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(21) [111 Years Archive]-桃園市111學年度國中學生口說英語多元展能計畫暨111年度國中英語學習成效獎勵計畫之成果資料Google表單連結: upd time:2023-06-29 08:45author:ERC2021count:1529 file folder:外師得獎教案比賽-大成國中Alex sort:Teaching Plan Contest / folder with(4)Ul files / dl times(16) [111 Years Archive]- upd time:2022-12-02 10:48author:ERC2021count:1295 file folder:111 學年度國民中學英語單字普測實施計畫 sort:Shared Resources / folder with(2)Ul files / dl times(15) [111 Years Archive]- upd time:2022-12-30 13:28author:ERC2021count:3275 file folder:外師得獎教案比賽-凌雲國中Robert sort:Teaching Plan Contest / folder with(3)Ul files / dl times(13) [111 Years Archive]- upd time:2022-12-02 11:33author:ERC2021count:1665 file folder:國中小課室英語 sort:Shared Resources / folder with(4)Ul files / dl times(12) [111 Years Archive]- upd time:2023-02-08 18:05author:ERC2021count:3050 file folder:111學年度-前瞻外師申請相關表件 sort:Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program, TFETP / folder with(8)Ul files / dl times(10) [111 Years Archive]- upd time:2022-11-29 14:17author:ERC2021count:1516 file folder:111學年度 ELTA申請相關文件 sort:English Language Teaching Assistant Program, ELTA / folder with(2)Ul files / dl times(10) [111 Years Archive]- upd time:2022-11-29 14:26author:ERC2021count:1772