Open upper block file mgmt:Taoyuan English Teaching Resource Center-English resources Toggle navigation select author Neil hsu文昌國中ERC2021 popular archives Top Dl Archives popular archives search Select file sort English Teaching Resource Center various plansEnglish Teaching ArchivesBilingual Seed Teachers Training ProgramsForeign Teacher Profileseed teacherTeacher Professional DevelopmentReader Theater CompetitionShared Resources外師任意門Podcast夏令營/冬令營專家人才庫 Select archive item 112 Years Archive113年檔案111 Years Archive110 Years Archive send out English Teaching Resource Center various plans Our 3-School-Year Bilingual Education Plan K-12 English Teaching Resource Center subsidy program Taoyuan City Bilingual Schools Program MOE Implementation Project of Bilingual Instruction Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program, TFETP English Language Teaching Assistant Program, ELTA Students Speaking Enhancement and Diversity Cultivation Program En Learning plan for nat'l primary & secondary students English Teaching Archives TETE Teaching Plans Previous English Teaching Plans Worksheets for Reading Taoyuan City Suggestions for English Curriculum Implementation Theme-based Textbooks-SDGs Bilingual Seed Teachers Training Programs Foreign Teacher Profile Taoyuan FET Program TFETP In-service training Teaching Plan Contest Teaching Resources for Foreign Teachers Laws _ Regulations seed teacher Our TETE Seed Teachers Our Bilingual Teaching Seed Teachers Teacher Professional Development EMI Seed Teacher Seeded Local Bilingual Teacher Local / Foreign Teacher Training Cool English Basic / Advanced Courses Bilingual Traning Courses Reader Theater Competition Shared Resources 外師任意門Podcast 夏令營/冬令營 專家人才庫 Folder list archive items:112 Years Archive Display method:sort by downloads Total: available (18) count file folder:112學年度外師自編教材SDGS第一冊(教、學用) sort:Theme-based Textbooks-SDGs / folder with(9)Ul files / dl times(354) [112 Years Archive]- upd time:2023-10-26 13:32author:ERC2021count:2183 file folder:112學年度亮點計畫說明會 sort:Taoyuan City Bilingual Schools Program / folder with(4)Ul files / dl times(166) [112 Years Archive]- upd time:2023-03-03 16:20author:ERC2021count:2239 file folder:112學年度ELTA部分工時英語教學助理經費申請說明會 sort:English Language Teaching Assistant Program, ELTA / folder with(2)Ul files / dl times(49) [112 Years Archive]- upd time:2023-05-23 09:47author:ERC2021count:1830 file folder:國中小常用課室英語參考手冊2.0 sort:Shared Resources / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(44) [112 Years Archive]- upd time:2023-08-31 10:44author:ERC2021count:2074 file folder:112學年度引進外籍英語教學人員計畫申請相關表件 sort:Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program, TFETP / folder with(7)Ul files / dl times(39) [112 Years Archive]- upd time:2023-01-05 16:41author:ERC2021count:2250 file folder:國中小生活英語參考手冊 sort:Shared Resources / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(36) [112 Years Archive]- upd time:2023-08-31 10:43author:ERC2021count:1879 file folder:八年級SDGs主題教材 sort:Theme-based Textbooks-SDGs / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(35) [112 Years Archive]-八年級SDGs主題教材Google雲端連結:連結已附於檔案內,歡迎師長們下載取用) upd time:2024-02-20 11:54author:ERC2021count:1425 file folder:112年度英語比賽實施計畫 sort:Shared Resources / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(32) [112 Years Archive]- upd time:2022-12-30 13:39author:ERC2021count:4249 file folder:桃園市國民中小學雙語教育 _中長程計畫(112-114學年度) sort:Our 3-School-Year Bilingual Education Plan / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(30) [112 Years Archive]- upd time:2024-11-12 14:23author:ERC2021count:929 file folder:112學年度ELTA部分工時英語教學助理計畫 sort:English Language Teaching Assistant Program, ELTA / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(29) [112 Years Archive]- upd time:2022-12-29 16:57author:ERC2021count:1509 file folder:桃園市112學年度國中學生口說英語多元展能計畫暨 112年度國中英語學習成效獎勵計畫之成果資料 sort:Students Speaking Enhancement and Diversity Cultivation Program / folder with(2)Ul files / dl times(29) [112 Years Archive]-桃園市112學年度國中學生口說英語多元展能計畫暨112年度國中英語學習成效獎勵計畫之成果資料Google表單連結: upd time:2024-03-21 09:30author:ERC2021count:1390 file folder:112學年度TFETP國教署前瞻外師說明會 sort:Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program, TFETP / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(23) [112 Years Archive]- upd time:2023-01-04 13:48author:ERC2021count:1774 file folder:112學年度國教署部分領域課程實施雙語教學計畫_桃園市線上說明會 sort:MOE Implementation Project of Bilingual Instruction / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(20) [112 Years Archive]-112學年度國教署部分領域課程實施雙語教學計畫_桃園市線上說明會會議影片連結: upd time:2022-12-13 08:42author:ERC2021count:1644 file folder:112學年度部領計畫說明 sort:MOE Implementation Project of Bilingual Instruction / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(17) [112 Years Archive]- upd time:2022-11-29 14:05author:ERC2021count:1531 file folder:112學年度桃園市國民中學Cool English線上平台推廣增能研習計畫場次名單(更新版) sort:Cool English Basic / Advanced Courses / folder with(2)Ul files / dl times(14) [112 Years Archive]- upd time:2024-11-13 14:50author:ERC2021count:1472 file folder:112 學年度引進外籍英語教人員計畫桃園市說明會-會議影片 sort:English Language Teaching Assistant Program, ELTA / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(8) [112 Years Archive]- upd time:2022-12-30 14:38author:ERC2021count:1406 file folder:桃園市112學年度國中英語文素養導向評量優良試題甄選 獲獎名單 sort:Previous English Teaching Plans / folder with(2)Ul files / dl times(5) [112 Years Archive]-特優:從缺。優等:興南國中石○真老師、江○玟老師。文昌國中向○珍老師。甲等:平鎮國中張○瑀老師、應○玟老師。仁和國中葉○娟老師、何○薇老師。光明國中黃○如老師。恭喜以上獲獎團隊! upd time:2024-11-13 09:32author:文昌國中count:862 file folder:112 學年度引進外籍英語教人員計畫桃園市說明會-會議影片 sort:Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program, TFETP / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(2) [112 Years Archive]- upd time:2022-12-30 14:37author:ERC2021count:1393