keywords:English Teaching Resource Center

file mgmtTaoyuan Education Bureau Wen Chang Junior High School English Teaching Resource Center

Taoyuan City English Teaching Resource Center is set up in Wenchang Middle School. It is responsible for the promotion of bilingual teaching of English courses and courses in some fields and the integration of related resources

site search:

file mgmt:Taoyuan English Teaching Resource Center-English Teaching Resource Center

sort:English Language Teaching Assistant Program, ELTA / folder with(2)Ul files / dl times(20)

sort:夏令營/冬令營 / folder with(2)Ul files / dl times(8)

sort:Cool English Basic / Advanced Courses / folder with(2)Ul files / dl times(14)

sort:Seeded Local Bilingual Teacher / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(0)

sort:En Learning plan for nat'l primary & secondary students / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(1)

sort:Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program, TFETP / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(3)

sort:MOE Implementation Project of Bilingual Instruction / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(2)

sort:Taoyuan City Bilingual Schools Program / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(6)

sort:Seeded Local Bilingual Teacher / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(2)

sort:專家人才庫 / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(0)

sort:Previous English Teaching Plans / folder with(2)Ul files / dl times(2)
[112 Years Archive]-特優:從缺。優等:興南國中石○真老師、江○玟老師。文昌國中向○珍老師。甲等:平鎮國中張○瑀老師、應○玟老師。仁和國中葉○娟老師、何○薇老師。光明國中黃○如老師。恭喜以上獲獎團隊!

sort:Previous English Teaching Plans / folder with(2)Ul files / dl times(4)
[111 Years Archive]-優等:中興國中周○珠老師新興國際中小學唐○甯老師、郭○綾老師、許○銘老師甲等:內壢國中黃○潔老師、曾○儀老師、湯○如老師大成國中林○君老師、陳○儀老師桃園國中張○祝老師佳作:永豐高中國中部劉○慧老師恭喜以上獲獎團隊!

sort:Laws _ Regulations / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(32)

sort:Our 3-School-Year Bilingual Education Plan / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(28)

sort:Students Speaking Enhancement and Diversity Cultivation Program / folder with(2)Ul files / dl times(27)
[112 Years Archive]-桃園市112學年度國中學生口說英語多元展能計畫暨112年度國中英語學習成效獎勵計畫之成果資料Google表單連結:

sort:Theme-based Textbooks-SDGs / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(25)
[112 Years Archive]-八年級SDGs主題教材Google雲端連結:連結已附於檔案內,歡迎師長們下載取用)

sort:Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program, TFETP / folder with(7)Ul files / dl times(100)

sort:English Language Teaching Assistant Program, ELTA / folder with(3)Ul files / dl times(32)

sort:Theme-based Textbooks-SDGs / folder with(9)Ul files / dl times(306)

sort:Shared Resources / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(38)