site search:

file mgmt:Taoyuan English Teaching Resource Center-English resources

sort:Students Speaking Enhancement and Diversity Cultivation Program / folder with(2)Ul files / dl times(10)
[112 Years Archive]-桃園市112學年度國中學生口說英語多元展能計畫暨112年度國中英語學習成效獎勵計畫之成果資料Google表單連結:

sort:Theme-based Textbooks-SDGs / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(15)
[112 Years Archive]-八年級SDGs主題教材Google雲端連結:連結已附於檔案內,歡迎師長們下載取用)

sort:Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program, TFETP / folder with(7)Ul files / dl times(89)

sort:English Language Teaching Assistant Program, ELTA / folder with(3)Ul files / dl times(21)

sort:Our 3-School-Year Bilingual Education Plan / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(21)

sort:Theme-based Textbooks-SDGs / folder with(9)Ul files / dl times(212)

sort:Shared Resources / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(30)

sort:Shared Resources / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(21)

sort:Students Speaking Enhancement and Diversity Cultivation Program / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(18)
[111 Years Archive]-桃園市111學年度國中學生口說英語多元展能計畫暨111年度國中英語學習成效獎勵計畫之成果資料Google表單連結:

sort:English Language Teaching Assistant Program, ELTA / folder with(2)Ul files / dl times(48)

sort:Cool English Basic / Advanced Courses / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(13)

sort:桃園市雙語學校 / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(523)

sort:MOE Implementation Project of Bilingual Instruction / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(24)

sort:Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program, TFETP / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(23)

sort:Taoyuan City Bilingual Schools Program / folder with(4)Ul files / dl times(156)

sort:Read the World / folder with(3)Ul files / dl times(13)
[111 Years Archive]-”閱讀世界樂桃桃ReadTheWorld”Podcast頻道開播囉!活動專屬網站:我們每週帶領同學聆聽聯合國SDGs讀書俱樂部推薦的書單​,一起探索閱讀的樂趣。W

file folder:國中小課室英語

sort:Shared Resources / folder with(4)Ul files / dl times(9)

sort:Shared Resources / folder with(5)Ul files / dl times(19)

sort:Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program, TFETP / folder with(7)Ul files / dl times(39)

sort:Students Speaking Enhancement and Diversity Cultivation Program / folder with(1)Ul files / dl times(49)