keywords:Taoyuan Education Bureau

Teaching Plan ContestTaoyuan Education Bureau Wen Chang Junior High School English Teaching Resource Center

Taoyuan City English Teaching Resource Center is set up in Wenchang Middle School. It is responsible for the promotion of bilingual teaching of English courses and courses in some fields and the integration of related resources

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Teaching Plan Contest:外師得獎教案比賽-凌雲國中Robert-Taoyuan Education Bureau

  • author:ERC2021
  • upd time:2022-12-02 11:33
  • In Folder: Shared (3) files
  • total dl:(10) times
  • File Status: Active
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外師得獎教案比賽-凌雲國中Robert-Page QRcode

file name:1lessonplan

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file name:2教材簡報

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file name:3教材學習單

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file type:docx / file size:17.13 KB / dl times:3

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