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Teaching Plan Contest:外師得獎教案比賽-凌雲國中Robert-English resources

  • author:ERC2021
  • upd time:2022-12-02 11:33
  • In Folder: Shared (3) files
  • total dl:(10) times
  • File Status: Active
Page QRcode
外師得獎教案比賽-凌雲國中Robert-Page QRcode

file name:1lessonplan

Upload time:2022-12-02 11:33:12
file type:docx / file size:31.97 KB / dl times:4

file name:2教材簡報

Upload time:2022-12-02 11:33:12
file type:pptx / file size:46.19 KB / dl times:3

file name:3教材學習單

Upload time:2022-12-02 11:33:12
file type:docx / file size:17.13 KB / dl times:3

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