keywords:Wen Chang Junior High School

En achv showTaoyuan Education Bureau Wen Chang Junior High School English Teaching Resource Center

Taoyuan City English Teaching Resource Center is set up in Wenchang Middle School. It is responsible for the promotion of bilingual teaching of English courses and courses in some fields and the integration of related resources

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En achv show:上湖國小-En achv Home-Wen Chang Junior High School

unit name:上湖國小
school types:primary school
unit illustrate:Suneal 老師生動活潑的教學,啟發學童學習英語的動機與效能,由於外師的加入,與中師一起共備課程,使得英語教學更為多元。外師也協助本校的特色課程協同,將上湖這所美麗的土牛溝桐花小學介紹給全世界,讓在地化全球化的課程被更多人看見!
Enabled date:2019-01-07 13:56:58